With fuel prices continuing to skyrocket, now’s a good time to get reacquainted with some basic tips we all can use to save gas. Some are fairly common sense, and when you look at them, you say, “I knew that." But when you combine them, you can really start to see your fuel savings add up. With fuel prices continuing to skyrocket, now’s a good time to get reacquainted with some basic tips we all can use to save gas. Some are fairly common sense, and when you look at them, you say, “I knew that." But when you combine them, you can really start to see your fuel savings add up.
Keep tires inflated to spec
Avoid jackrabbit starts and ease off the gas
Install a new fuel filter during a tuneup
Ditch excess weight
Keep your car clean
Swap larger wheels and tires for smaller ones
Consolidate trips
Fill your tank in the early morning when the ground temperature is cold
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